You have what it takes to achieve what they set their minds to, you enjoy a challenge and embrace opportunities that take you outside of your comfort zone.

Independence and having the freedom to make your own choices feels important to you, and you tend to enjoy setting and working towards goals because they give you a sense of purpose and direction in your life. However, having such a focused approach can sometimes mean that you find it hard to relax and fully switch off from your to-do lists.

When it comes to experiencing good health and wellness, it's all about balance. During busy times finding the time and energy for nurturing your health and wellness can feel challenging for you.

The good news is, achieving the balance of being productive and nurturing your health and wellness at the same time is possible when you know how.


Here's a little more info about the Go-Getter personality type

1. Instead of only focusing on being productive and thinking about what needs to be done, take a moment out of your busy schedule to check in with how you're feeling and perhaps schedule a little quiet time to consider how you want to experience your life.

2. Think of your health and wellness needs as mental, emotional as well as physical. Identify one simple step that would move you closer to nurturing wellness in all three areas. Once you know what you need, you can create simple daily wellness practices that will support you as you nurture a better all-round balanced approach to your health and wellness.

To help get you started, I've created an introductory video and downloadable guide for you.

Keep a look out in your inbox every couple of days for more free wellness videos and guides designed for your Go-Getter wellness personality.

My top 2 tips for Go-Getters to help boost your health and wellbeing...

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